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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: The War on Christmas Centralizes

The issue with the "War on Christmas" is over the mention or acknowledgement of the Godhead or Jesus Christ in any way, form, or fashion.  They don't want Jesus' birth acknowledged.  They don't want nativity scenes in the public square or out on the courthouse.  They don't want Jesus exalted as the Son of God.  They want any references of God expunged from America.  However, they don't have any problem with Mohammed or Allah being mentioned in public.  However, when you mention the name of Jesus, that's a totally different story.  Who are perpetrating this war on Christmas?  It's the secularists, atheists, secularist organizations, some corporations, even certain members of Congress.  Those same people also want us to stop saying "Merry Christmas" and instead say, "Happy Holidays" or "Merry X-mas".  They also want to change the term "Happy Thanksgiving" to "Turkey Day" etc.  It's pathetic.  Listen to the YouTube link of Bill O'Reilly.

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