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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Obama Attends Easter Service Where Pastor Criticized the 'Religious Right'

Obama Attends Easter Service Where Pastor Criticized the 'Religious Right' | CNS News


President Obama, his wife Michelle, and his daughters Sasha and Malia attended an Episcopal church at the White House for Easter services on Sunday.  The pastor of the church preached a sermon criticizing the "captains of the religious right" for holding some people back.  The "sermon" was told by Rev. Dr. Luis Leon and it was supposedly based upon the gospel of John and the resurrection of Jesus.  It was a political sermon.  He said Jesus told Mary not to hold onto the past.  "You cannot go back and the religious right and the religious right should focus on the 'way things can be in the now.'"  He really twisted scripture there.  What Jesus told Mary had nothing to do with the liberal political points he was making.  He was trying to say that the captains of the religious right are calling for blacks to be in the back of the bus, for women to go back to the kitchen, and for immigrants to be on their side of the border.  He said the message of Easter was about the 'proclamation of victory, the victory of powerful love over loveless power.'  The message of Easter is about the risen Christ.  Christ arose from the grave and he is alive forevermore.  That's what Easter about.  It isn't some liberal or new age social gospel many of these so-called black preachers preach.  The "religious right" as Dr. Leon calls them doesn't advocate or promote blacks sit in the back of the bus or that women just be confined to the kitchen.  Being a homemaker is so much more than just being confined to the kitchen.  I for one second don't minimize the important contributions wives make in the kitchen.  They do a marvelous job cooking in the kitchen.  However, there are numerous other tasks they do in addition to cooking that one can't overlook.  Those of us who are part of the religious right support Biblical, familial values that have made America great for the last two centuries.  Concerning the issue of immigration, it's not immigration in and of itself we have a problem.  It's illegal immigration which makes America a much less secure country.  I have no problem with immigration as long as immigrants go through the proper channels to come to America.  It's that simple.

To read the full story, click on the above link from CNSNews.com.

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