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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kerry: ‘Be Ready to Join Us’ in Fight against Climate Change

Kerry: ‘Be Ready to Join Us’ in Fight against Climate Change | CNS News

Kerry MideastSecretary of State John Kerry

Once again Secretary of State John Kerry and the Obama administration are trying to make their case of the importance to fight against climate change.  Mr. Kerry, I'm wondering, whatever happened to the phrase "global warming" that Al Gore and his globalist minions have been propagating for years?  Gore even produced a film entitled, "Inconvenient Truth."  Consequently, we have had some cold winters to in certain parts of our country back a few years ago.  Now, they've had to coin a different term called "climate change."  Back in the 70's scientists were warning us we were approaching another ice age.  They were warning us about "global cooling."  Years later it was global warming and now it's climate change.  These so-called scientists and political experts can't keep their facts straight. 

The "climate change" agenda is nothing more than a means for the government to step in and control the lifestyles of all Americans.  I expect to see more "environmental" laws and regulations passed during these next four years in the Obama administration.

To read the full story, click on the above link from CNSNews.com.

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