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Monday, May 21, 2012

An Autopsy Reveals That Trayvon Martin Had Traces of Marijuana in System at Time of Death

Trayvon Martin had traces of marijuana in system at time of death, autopsy reveals - NYPOST.com

Trayvon MartinAutopsy report:  Trayvon Martin had marijuan in his system at time of death

According to an autopsy report released last Thursday, Trayvon Martin, the Florida teen that was shot in self-defense by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in February, had traces of marijuana in his system at the time of his death.  The report shows that a medical examiner found THC, an active ingredient in marijuana, in Martin's blood and urine.  The chemical can remain in an individual's system weeks after marijuana use.  Days before his death, Martin had reportedly been suspended from school because an empty bag with traces of marijuana had been found in his bookbag.  The autopsy reported that Martin, 17, was shot at an intermediate range, described at a distance of 1 to 18 inches, and that he also had an abrasion on one of his fingers.  The report could also bolster Zimmerman's claims that he shot Martin while on a back during a struggle.  There was a witness that said that the black male was on the white or Hispanic male and throwing punches (MMA), mixed martial arts style.  Martin's family had identified the teen's voice in the screaming the Monday he was shot.  However, Trayvon's father, Robert Martin disputed that claim and stated he no doubt heard George Zimmerman yelling for help. 

All the accusations leveled against George Zimmerman that his actions were the result of racism is more than likely nothing but a hyped-up charge by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others in the civil rights community as a means to find some excuse to say that blacks are being preyed upon by whites.  This is nothing but political correctness run amok.  The latest evidence proves that George Zimmerman acted in self-defense.  It's foolish.  Al Sharpton and his cohorts are always looking for a case to keep their cause alive that blacks are always being targeted by whites.  Sharpton and his crowd are nothing but race-baiters.

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