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Thursday, January 26, 2012

The U.S. Desperately Needs a Second American Revolution (Part 3)

As I mentioned in part 2 on January 8th's post, when I was speaking about America needing a second American revolution, I wasn't making reference to reforming government nor Americans taking up arms with one another.  When we think of a revolution, we think of drastically changing government or changing the political atmosphere in Washington.  We are not going to be able to change government.  At least not through carnal means.  As much as I support voting out fraudulent incumbents, that's not going to revolutionize Washington.  Why?  Because Washington is controlled by the globalists or the forces of Nimrod.  Our politicians are bought and co-opted by the forces of Nimrod.  Whether it's a Democrat or a Republican who occupies the White House, America's march to socialism still continues.  Former president George W. Bush, pushed America to the brink of socialism prior to the presidency of Barack Obama.  All president Obama did was pick up the baton from George W. Bush and pushed the pedal to the metal.  America's transformation is almost complete.  We need to recognize that all our efforts in trying to reform government will be almost impossible.  The forces that control our politicians are scattered across the globe.  There's no one single group we can take out that would turn our country in the right direction.  If America is to be saved, it won't be through the efforts of Washington, D.C.  Politics is not the solution.

When Glenn Beck, a radio talk show host and a host of GBTV online streaming, used to host a program on Fox News, I used to watch him on copious occasions on Fox.  He would speak about the actors involved in bringing down America such as George Soros, and other elitist groups, for example.  Glenn Beck said that politics isn't the solution to America's problems.  Beck recognizes that the greatness of America lies in its people, not the federal government.  Even though I disagree with Beck's solutions on how to turn America around, he does recognize that the hope of this great nation doesn't lie in our elected elite.  I will echo the same words.  Washington isn't America's answer.  The greatness of America lies in its people who fear God.  Notice the first line of the preamble says, "We the people", not "We the government of the United States."  The elected officials are comprised from "we the people."  It's not the government that makes a great nation.  It's a people who recognize that righteousness exalts a nation (Proverbs 34:14)   A country who fails to recognize and honor God is a nation that's doomed for destruction. 

What kind of revolution does America need?  There are various definitions of "revolution."  One definition involves a sudden, tumultuous, and radical transformation of an entire system of government, including its legal and political components.  This is already happening under the presidency of Barack Obama.  It's not happening in the way most Americans desire.  President Obama and his minions are transforming this nation into a fascist country in which Americans will have to be dependent upon the government in some fashion.  They are fixing it where the average American can't be independent form the government when it comes to providing their own living.  Also, government is increasingly dictating to Americans how we show walk, talk, eat, and breathe.  We're witnessing that on an increasing scale. 

The second definition of revolution is a revolution that encompasses society as a whole, bringing fundamental change to a culture's economic, religious, and institutional framework.  (The source for the definition comes from the online free dictionary).  The kind of revolution America needs is a spiritual revolution.  This kind of revolution will only come through God's people.  Psalms 85:6 says, "Will thou not revive us again, that thy people may rejoice in thee?"  America needs a revolution involving God's people who are revived.  Jesus told his disciples in Matthew that they are the salt and light of this world.  A salt that has lost its savour is worthless.  That's the problem with the church in today's society.  It's worthless.  The moral and spiritual standard of America has become so worldly and compromised that it has no positive effect on this generation of people.  The late evangelist Dr. J. Harold Smith preached a message years ago entitled, "A Sick Church."  He mentioned that today's church is sick.  That's so very true.  Compare the church to the world.  What's the difference?  What's the difference between those who claim to be born again and know God vs. those who make no profession of faith?  There's scarcely little difference, for the most part.  We wonder why America is sinking into the abyss.  The reason is because the church is no longer salt and light to this great land that has sent missionaries into the foreign fields.  As a result of the worldliness that has pervaded America's churches today, there's very little manifestation of the power of God in our churches today.  If you were to speak to the average church member today, they couldn't even begin to tell you what the power of God is.  That's tragic. 

The only way America can have a true revolution is for God's people to repent.  Jesus told the Church of Laodecia in Revelation 3 to repent.  Today's churches in America models that of the Laodecian Church which was increased with goods and needed nothing.  I've heard many evangelicals encourage Christians to involve themselves in the local communities and run for the school boards, for example.  We need Christians to involve themselves in the public school system, no doubt.  The best thing Christian parents can do for their children is to not send them to the public school system if it can be helped.  It would be best for parents to send their children to a Christian school or to homeschool their children.  The public school system in this hour is nothing more than a "government school system."  The state government (and federal government to a small degree) controls our schools today.  There's not as much local control in the public school system like it once was. 

I remember reading Dr. Francis Schaeffer in one of his books years ago stating that Christians should involve themselves in every facet of society.  He stated the Lordship of Christ should be involved in all aspects of society such as politics, education, the arts, sciences, and the list continues.  As important as Christian involvement is to the community, what would that amount to if the church isn't salt and light to this generation of unregenerate people?  There was a time in years past when it meant something to say you are a Christian.  Today a person professing themeselves to be a Christian has no more meaning to it than saying you belong to the Rotary Club.  Why?  Because God's people have set a poor standard in this world.  There's very little resemblance between the world and the church when it comes to its speech, conduct, lifestyle, and appearance.  America is no more stronger morally and spiritually than it's churches and "Christian" homes are.  When the homes and churches are spiritually anemic, then you have a nation that's spiritually bankrupt.  In today's "Christian" homes, the divorce rate is similar to the divorce rate in the homes of those who don't proclaim themselves to be Christians.  In order for Christians to be effective in their communities, they need a Heaven sent revival.  The things of God need to be real once again to the child of God.  Faithfulness to God, church, family, and community is of paramount importance.  There needs to be a distinct difference between those who are saved and those who are lost.  The world should be able to identify a Christian by the way he/she walk, talks, and conducts himself/herself.  That's what's missing today.  America's only hope is the church who is on fire for God. 

America will never have a second revolution unless God's people are revived and the church once again regains the influence that it once had in this society.  Unless the church repents and once again becomes geniune salt and light, then America will cease to be the nation it once was.  Unless God's power is manifested in a magnificent way in this country once again, America will be doomed.  God's people must be the leaders of the second American revolution.  Nobody else can do it.  Only a revived church can bring about a revolution in this country.  Nothing else will suffice.

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