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Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

Honoring Those Who Served - Veterans Day (Page 2)

Soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima 

I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation towards all those veterans that have served in our Armed forces throughout the history of the United States.  Today is Veterans Day.  I appreciate the sacrifices the veterans have made on behalf of the United States the last 200+ years.  It's because of their sacrifices on the battlefield that we enjoy the freedoms we do as Americans.  In this generation we live in many people think history is very boring and unimportant.  Nevertheless, if there's ever a generation that needs to know history, it's this generation of young people today.  We live in a very pampered society where many people have had things handed to them.  Those type of people need to know their history.  They need to know for no other reason than to realize that somebody paid a price for the things they enjoy today.  If it wasn't for the diligence and dedication of our forefathers, we wouldn't have the privilege to enjoy what we possess today.  Happy Veterans Day!

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