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Friday, September 9, 2011

Life's a Party in Washington

Biden and Boehner Caught on Camera Chatting About Golf TheBlaze.com

Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner chatting about golf.

On Thursday night when President Obama gave his "jobs speech", there was an open microphone.  You could hear Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner discussing golf.  They both seemed like they were good friends.  Boehner was speaking of his most recent golfing game.  It was a very jovial, light-hearted time for both Boehner and Biden.  "The Blaze" has the story on their exchange with one another.  There's also a video on the website where you hear them both conversing with one another.  You can click on the above link to read the story.

If you wonder why our politicians like Washington so well, it because life's a grand party for them.  They couldn't have it any better.  There are all sorts of fundraisers, cocktail parties, and all sorts of events which our politicians like to participate in.  They're all one cozy family. 

We have politicians who are elected for the first time that weren't very wealthy when they were freshmen but they leave Washington a millionaire.  How come?  Many lobbyists donate to their political campaigns and they become wealthy.  When it comes to running for the presidency of the United States, many of the elected elite place their hat into the ring because there's money to be made by running for the presidency.  As the old adage goes, "Follow the money."  They have all types of fringe benefits and perks as a result of being an elected official.  They have world class healthcare and all other types of benefits the average American doesn't possess.  They are part of the ruling elite.  They are the kings and we are their subjects or peasants. 

We hear so often in the media about the partisan divide in Washington.  I'm not sure there is as much partisanship as they would like to have us believe.  I believe they are like actors in a movie--they play their role.  One side such as the Democrats play their role, and the other side, the Republicans play their role.  You always have one side that plays the role of the opposition.  However, it's not legitimate.  For the last two years we've been hearing the Republicans decry how terrible Obamacare will be to the country.  The question I must ask is why wasn't there any filibustering in the Senate to stop the passage of Obamacare?  During the old days, the opposition would filibuster, or talk to death a certain bill with the stated purpose of defeating it.  The Republicans never did that when it came to the Affordable Health Care Act or Obamacare.  It's a joke.  I believe our elected elite get along better with one another than we might realize.  It means nothing anymore to classify yourself as a Democrat or Republican.  Political party labels are meaningless.  Our elected elite are nothing but puppets on a string controlled by the forces of Nimrod.  When I was a senior in high school, there was a theater production in our school entitled, "We're All in This Together."  I believe that applies to the elected elite in Washington.  They're all in this together.  They're just playing the role the globalists have carved out for them.

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