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Monday, February 21, 2011

President Obama's Bloated Budget

Obama Budget Doubles National Debt to $26.3 Trillion in 10 Years CNSnews.com

Speaking of budgets, this budget in no way reduces the national debt.  According to CNS, if President Obama's budget is implemented, then his budget will double the national debt over the next 10 years.  The national debt as it now stands is $13.56 trillion.  By the end of 2021, the debt would rise to $26.3 trillion under the White House Budget.

All this talk about reducing the national debt is nothing but a facade whether it be from the Republican Party or President Obama.  The House Republicans were originally talking about reducing the deficit by a hundred billion.  Now they're looking at reducing the deficit by $60 billion.  On Friday the Republican House voted against the bill that wouldn't sliced off $20 billion more dollars from the $60 billion.  Those Republicans that voted against the bill were House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and new Tea Party freshmen Kristi Noem (R-SD).  Removing $80 billion is still a drop-in-the-bucket when you consider that the last few budgets were running in the trillions.  I don't see any real seriousness on the part of any of the elected elite to rein in spending.  Our country has indebted itself to China.  Before you know it, China will be dictating on how we spend our money.  I wouldn't be surprised to see our elected officials selling off some of our land to pay for the debt we owe China.  America can no longer remain a free nation unless Congress and the President rein in spending.  If they don't make some major concession soon, it will be too late.

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