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Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Republicans Must do in the 112th Congress


Yesterday, the 112th Congress began a new session.  There were a large group of Republican freshmen that were elected to both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.  The House is now controlled by Republicans.  The Senate still maintains a Democratic majority, but the Republicans made inroads to the Senate in November's election.  Many people are expecting things will change in Washington due to the election results in November.  Republicans are promising to seize control of spending and balance the budget.  One of the hot topics that's on the agenda for next week is a vote for the repeal of Obamacare, which was passed by Congress last March.  There are high hopes for this year's new Congress.  I will say that if the new Republicans don't take charge and steer our government in a totally different direction, then our country will no longer be the same.  We're headed for some dark days as a country.

This is a very crucial time in the history of our country.  The Republicans who ran for Congress and won seats need to recognize that they aren't there to become career politicians.  They are not there to treat Congress like a normal career.  They are supposed to be there to serve their constituents.  They are to look out for the best interests of America--not necessarily to become rich while in office.  We need elected officials which will determine in their hearts and minds they will become overt patriots when they serve in Congress.  In other words, they're not there to make backroom deals or to appease special interest groups.  They are there to serve the public.  They are there to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  If they refuse to uphold the U.S. Constitution, then they need to be sent back home during the next election cycle.  We can no longer afford any more of this "business-as-usual." 

One of the new traditions that Congress is beginning is to read the Constitution aloud when opening each day's session.  I agree that's something they must do.  There are those that will argue reading the Constitution aloud is nothing but symbolic or those that support the reading aloud of the Constitution have a fetish for it.  We need members of Congress to have a fetish for the Constitution.  Congress is supposed to abide by the Constitution concerning legislation that they vote on.  Members of Congress take an oath to uphold the Constitution.  Therefore they are to follow it.  Otherwise they will become traitors to our country.  Any bill that they try to pass which isn't supported by the Constitution shouldn't be voted on.  It would do well for members of Congress to read the Constitution to remind them what the Constitution contains and what their boundaries are as a lawmaker.  Reading the Constitution aloud is a first good step. 

Another thing the Republicans in Congress need to do is to defund Obamacare; not waste their time to vote to repeal it.  Why do I say that?  There's no way this current Congress can repeal it.  The votes aren't there in the Senate.  Also, President Obama will veto it.  It's normally very difficult for Congress to override a presidential veto.  However, the House has jurisdiction over spending.  The House can defund Obamacare.  That makes more sense than trying to attempt to repeal a bill they don't have the votes for.  They can try that method in another Congress when both Houses are Republican and the president is Republican.  I guarantee you all efforts to repeal Obamacare will come to a naught.  On top of that, I don't believe that Obamacare will be defunded.  I wish that was the case, but I don't have much faith in the House Republicans to do the right thing. 

The Republicans also need to refuse to raise the debt ceiling.  They need to rein in spending.  They need to make some massive cuts in the budget, which includes their own Congressional budget as well as many pork barreling projects and many programs already in Congress.  Also government needs to be scaled back as well.  Some of the cabinets in the executive department need to be eliminated such as the Department of Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, and even Education.  I'm certain there are some other cabinets that need to be eliminated as well.  There's way too much government bureaucracy.  Many positions in government need to be eliminated such as many of the czar posts.  I'm not going to take time to list all the positions in government that need to be eliminated.  However, numerous positions can be eliminated.  Even though this will never happen, I would like to see Congress detach itself from the Federal Reserve and once again Congress return to coining America's currency.  The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional.  They are part of the problem in our national debt being so high. 

The Republican Congress also need to place an ultimatum to the Defense Department that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan need to wind down soon.  The costs of these wars over the last ten years is astronomical.  Why are we still in both Iraq and Afghanistan?   The government has no goal to win those wars.  As a result, there's no sense in wasting taxpayer dollars to continuing funding those wars.  Our troops should be pulled out and they should come home. 

This has to be the year that the 112th Congress is going to make some drastic changes when it comes to funding government.  We are about to experience a meltdown when it comes to our economy.  China has been purchasing our debt.  We are a debtor nation to China.  China will be able to dictate what takes place in our country before too long.  The world market will eventually stop purchasing goods in dollars if Congress doesn't change its spending habits.  It must happen NOW!!!  TOMORROW IS TOO LATE!!!!

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