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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

RINO's For President in 2012

 Mitt Romney  Rudy Guiliani dressed as a woman

  Rudy Guiliani
 Newt Gingrich

Mike Huckabee

I stated in a post last summer that President Barack Obama might be a two-term president.  There have been many conservative pundits and former politicians such as Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Dick Cheney who have stated they believe President Obama will be a one-term president.  Just recently, former vice-president Cheney once again reiterated his theme that he believes President Obama will be a one-term president because his policies are unpopular.  Do they remember Bill Clinton?  Bill Clinton's poll numbers were low during the second year of his presidency when he was pushing forward the nationalized healthcare plan that year.  That bill went into defeat.  Clinton was under attack by conservative forces for the liberal agenda he was pushing on America.  He tried to make the military "gay friendly" during his first year as president, appointed an embarassing liberal for Surgeon General, Dr. Jocelyn Elders, and he tried to nationalize healthcare.  As a result, the Democrats took a beating during the 1994 midterm election.  The Republicans won both Houses of Congress that year which in turn was dubbed "the Republican Revolution."  In 2010, we've seen a similar incident take place except this time only the House went Republican.  The Senate still remains in Democratic hands.  Following the 1994 elections, then President Clinton experienced a turnaround in popularity, possibly beginning with the tragic incident at the Oklahoma City bombing.  In 1996, a weak Republican candidate by the name of Bob Dole ran against Clinton for the presidency.  As a result, the election was a cakewalk for Clinton.

As of recent, President Obama's popularity is climbing once again.  At the end of 2010, President Obama's popularity was hovering around 42%.  Now his popularity has climbed to 47%.  I guarantee it's destined to climb even further in months to come.  I believe President Obama is poised for a re-election victory.  As much as I don't like to say that, I must be honest.  We know how the Republican Party is.  They have traditionally had a good campaign platform, but when it comes to standing by the principles they campaign upon, that's a different story.  So far, they've stuck to their promise to vote for repeal of healthcare in the House.  The House voted to repeal healthcare, but that won't move anywhere considering the Senate is in Democratic hands.  Also, President Obama would veto the bill if the Senate did vote to repeal it.  House Speaker John Boehner claims that he would consider choking funding for this new bill.  Will the Republicans be faithful in trying to stop or delay healthcare or are they mincing words?  The Republican Party for the last several year has grown government and created huge deficits.  They're just as much pro-government as the Democrats are.  The Republicans aren't any alternative to the Democrats.  The Republicans are going to make mistakes and not stand up to the principles they claim to embrace.  That won't help their chances.

One of the biggest challenges to defeating President Obama next year for president is the quality of candidates running for president.  As of right now, there isn't any Republican running that I think has a legitimate chance to defeat President Obama in 2012.  Mitt Romney is considered a contender given he won the New Hampshire straw poll last weekend.  I read in a New Jersey poll on the website that Mitt Romney and former Arkansas governor Mike Homney are tied in a hypothetical poll in New Jersey.  However, neither candidate offers the agenda that's needed to turn America around.  Romney is a RINO.  He's no conservative.  He supported statewide healthcare in Massachusetts, which has proven to be a disaster.  Romney also has flip-flopped on abortion a couple of times.  Romney's an establishment Republican.  Mike Huckabee, on the other hand, is considered a conservative evangelical.  However, he's weak on issues dealing with illegal immigration and spending.  Huckabee's not a formidable candidate as far as I'm concerned.  I've listened to him on the Hucabee Show on Fox News a number of times.  He doesn't appear to be a strong candidate that will stand in the gap in America regardless of the cost.  He appears to be a candidate that can be compromised.

A couple of other RINO's that are considering a run are former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani.  Guiliani is another RINO.  He supports abortion and doesn't support the Second Amendment.  He's also cross-dressed as a woman.  He appears to be more of a clown that a man that's presidential material.  Gingrich has flip-flopped on issues as well.  Gingrich appeared on an ad stating that global warming is real a few years ago.  He also supported a very liberal Republican woman in a special election during the November 2009 election in a Congressional seat in New York.  We don't need these people to run against Obama next November.  If any one of those men receive the Republican nomination during next year's primary, then I predict President Obama will win re-election.

There are a few other names floating around that are considering a run for the president such as Tim Pawlenty, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.  Neither Bachmann nor Palin have a chance to win the presidency next year.  Unless some strong, patriotic men submit themselves to run for the Republican nomination for president next year, then I project Obama will win the presidency.  RINO's or Republicans who stand for nothing aren't going to win the presidency.  It will require a strong candidate that's overtly patriotic who can articulate the message to the American people.  They will have to be able to connect with the American public and prove they aren't just another politician.  That's not going to be easy to do given the American publics' distruct with government today.  If the men I just mentioned above are the choices we have to draw from for president next year, we're in huge trouble.

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