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Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Murder of Elected Officials is Unjustifiable

I had intentions on continuing the series on "Appreciation" which I started last Sunday.  Due to the shooting incident that took place in Tucscon, Arizona yesterday morning, I'm going to continue the series on "Appreciation" next Sunday.  I have another thought that I'm going to deal with today.  I'm going to deal with the subject concerning murder.  Genesis 9:6 says, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."  This verse tells you what God's thoughts are concerning murder.  In the few chapters preceding chapter 9, you read about the world's first murderer, which was Cain.  We read about both Cain and Abel bringing their sacrifices to God.  Abel brought the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof before God.  Cain brought of the fruit of the ground as an offering to God.  Verse 5 mentions that God didn't respect Cain's offering because it was the wrong type of offering he presented before God.  As a result Cain was wroth and became jealous of Abel.  Verse 8 says that Cain talked with Abel and both were in the field.  Cain rose up against Abel and slew him.  As a result of the murder, God drove Cain from his family and he became a fugitive and a vagabond.  He went out from the presence of the Lord and he dwelt in the land of Nod, on the East of Eden.  Cain had to pay a price for slaying Abel.

In the book of Exodus, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.  The sixth commandment is "Thou shalt not kill."  It means thou shalt not commit murder.  There is a difference.  The online definition of murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another; especially with premeditated malice.  The online definition of kill is to put to death, to deprive of life.  The meaning of the sixth commandment is saying that nobody has the right to unlawfully kill or commit murder.  However, you can kill an animal and it not be murder.  You can fight in a war and kill some of the enemy soldiers.  But that doesn't make it murder.  Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being.  There's no just cause in killing that person.  Genesis 9:6 makes the case for the death penalty or capital punishment.  When a person commits murder, lawful authorities have the right to place the accuser on trial and then impose the death penalty on them.  However, there are appropriate personnel involved when it comes to justice.  That's why we have government.  The purpose of government is to restrain the lawless and punish the wrongdoer.  Killing the murderer through the means of the death penalty is justified before God provided that lawful authorities are in charge of executing the death penalty.

Yesterday a great tragedy took place in Tucson, Arizona at the Safeway Supermarket.  Jared Loughner, a 22 year old "maniac" as I refer to him, pulled out his 9 mm gun and shot 21 rounds of shots and wounded approximately 13 people.  Six people were killed.  One of those was a nine year old girl who was born on 9/11, the day of the 9/11 attacks.  Another person that was killed was a 76 year old man who tried to shield his wife.  Also, a federal District Judge by the name of John M. Roll was murdered.  One of the wounded was 40-year old Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a three-term Democratic Congresswoman.  She was holding a rally called, "Congress at Your Corner", which was an opportunity for Arizona's constituents of the 8th District to get to speak to their Congresswoman.  Sadly, it turned out to be something totally different.  A bullet entered through her temples and went out her forehead.  She was rushed straight to the hospital.  She's currently in critical condition, but doctors are cautiously expecting her to recover.  Loughner has been arrested by the police.  He should receive a fair trial and be given the death penalty for his actions.  I will be speaking more of this latest tragedy in the days to come.

There will be many in the left wing media who will be and are currently pointing fingers at the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for the actions of Jared Loughner.  They want to tie him in with those on the right who are opposed to the leftists in their attempts to transform America into a socialist country.  The truth of the matter is it's his fault for his actions.  Let's assign blame where blame is due.  Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnick wants to blame all the vitriol from the right for the shooting of Giffords.  Last year she voted for the controversial healthcare bill that many Americans are opposed to.  Last year following the House's historic vote to overhaul healthcare, Giffords' Tucson office was vandalized.  Giffords supports Obama on some issues.  She's liberal when it comes to her views on abortion, healthcare, and even border security.  She wasn't in support of the immigration bill that the Arizona legislature passed last year, which was a bill imposing tougher security measures along the Arizona border. 

Many Americans are very frustrated at the level of complacency and incompetence the federal government has been displaying the last several years.  I believe Americas' level of frustration toward the federal government has almost reached a boiling point within the last three or four years.  Our elected officials need to understand that.  We've elected several new freshmen Republican in the House and we are hoping that they will change things in Washington.  Only time will reveal whether they will.  However, we have a group of establishment Republicans who could care less about the outcome of last November's vote.  Trent Lott, a former Senator from Mississippi and now a lobbyist, made the statement last year that he was desiring to see the Tea Party candidates who are elected to Congress to be co-opted into the system.  The RINO's don't care about the message the American people sent during last year's election.  It appears it no longer makes any difference who we vote for.  We vote for a candidate one election cycle, throw him out the next, and still continue having the same old business like always regardless who's elected.  It's ridiculous.  In saying all of that, I'm not justifying the actions of Loughner.  There's never an excuse to murder an elected official.  God says in His word that murder is a sin.  The media wants to blame the American people because they don't agree with the agenda of the federal government.  The problem is the government.  They aren't responsive to those they are to represent.  Those that have been elected by their constituents need to listen to their constituents and pass laws that are constitutional and good for the well-being of America.

I have a message to the average voter.  The Constitution makes a provision to the American people concerning removing elected officials.  The means that the average voter has at their disposal is the ballot box.  Every two years we have federal elections.  Every four years we have a presidential election.  If you don't like the direction your Congressmen or Senator is taking your country, then you have the responsibility to vote them out in the next election.  If you choose to re-elect them, then you can't complain if you re-elect them and you know they are crooked.  When we repeatedly re-elect incumbents over and over again, we are getting the government we deserve.  I do understand that today most of the choices we have are between the lesser-of-two-evils.  I understand that.  However, we can't continually re-elect the same old crooks continually and expect our government to change for the better.  We need to purge out Congress through the ballot box.  In other words, we need to vote out the Congessmen and those Senators up for re-election in droves.  That's our only hope. 

There's no excuse for the murder of an elected official--regardless of how crooked they are.  I have no use for House Minority Nancy Pelosi.  I am opposed to her policies as well as the means she uses to push her agenda through.  However, I'm totally opposed to any harm being done to Ms. Pelosi.  You don't inflict violence on elected officials to correct wrongs.  The government will use this shooting as an excuse to clamp down on talk radio and America's right to free speech.  The Constitution provides the method to removing elected officials who are taking America down the wrong path.  That method is the ballot box.  The attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords was totally inexcusable and wicked.  Lougner deserves the death penalty.  Murder only excerbates the problem.  It doesn't solve anything.  Murder and violence are sinful and anti-American. 

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