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Monday, November 1, 2010

We Get the Government We Deserve (Part 2 Continued)

In the last post in this series of posts I've been writing about concerning why "we get the government we deserve", I wrote about the incumbents we keep on re-electing.  One of the reasons why we get the government we deserve is because we will vote for fraudulent incumbents regardless of their character.  As long as they promise us benefits, we'll re-elect them regardless of what they're doing to destroy our country. Tomorrow will be an important election day.  If the polls are accurate, Republicans are likely to take control of the House and make great gains in the Senate.  I hope that happens.  Not because the Republicans are the party we can look to solve our problems.  The Democrats are in the majority right now and they need to be voted out.  We need to vote them out so we can stifle the socialist agenda President Obama and the Democratic Party have been pushing on America the last couple of years.  Consequently there are going to be Republicans which are going to be re-elected.  House Minority Leader John Boehner is poised to become the next Speaker of the House if the Republicans win the House.  If people like John Boehner take control of the leadership of the House, then we're still going to have business as usual.  The most we can hope for if the Republicans take control of the House is gridlock.  I'm not certain that there will be as much gridlock as there should be.  Being an establishment Republican, Boehner is going to look for ways to compromise to work with the president.  I fear the Republicans will compromise their principles and pass bills that are bad for America, such as amnesty.  I guarantee you establishment Republicans will be assuming leadership roles and committe chairmanship roles in the House.  We don't need incumbent establishment Republicans being in charge of leadership positions.  We need a new set of Republicans to take control of the House who are patriotic and will embrace the principles that fall under the guidelines of God, country, and the Constitution.  House members such as Boehner are part of the problem.  Boehner was House Majority Leader several months before the Democrats won control of the House in 2006.  He didn't do anything to stop the big spending agenda of the Republicans in both Houses of Congress.  I believe Boehner will win re-election in the House. 

In March of this year, I wrote a post entitled, "Voting out the Incumbent Begins in the Primary."  I encouraged conservative voters that are registered Republican that they need to vote out incumbents in the primary.  The only time you have a choice of candidates to vote for is the primary.  During the general election, you have the nominee of the Democratic Party vs. the nominee of the Republican Party.  Usually the candidates in the general election are the party elites who are part of the problem.  The time to vote for fresh new faces is in the primary.  You can't trust anybody anymore.  Once they go to Washington, they face all sorts of enticements and they become part of the Washington system.  There are forces there that are so evil that it appears to be difficult for a Congressman to stand their ground and speak against the status quo.  They become absorbed into the political process.  That's why it becomes necessary to vote out incumbents.  As a result, I propose that there needs to be term limits in the House and Senate.  I've been debating how many terms a House member and a Senate member should serve.  As of right now, I propose that members of the House serve three terms which totals six years and a member of the Senate just serve one term.  I comprised that proposal in order to give members of both House and Senate an equal number of years.  A House member serves two years for one term vs. a Senate member serves six years for one term.  I've never before advocated term limits for both Houses of Congress.  Given the problems we have with career politicians, there definitely needs to be term limits on both Houses.  Will that happen?  No.  I remember the Contract with America which proposed term limits for both Houses of Congress.  It never passed.  All they did was put on a dog and pony show.  It never will pass because our politicians don't want to sacrifice all the benefits and perks they receive in Washington.  They can leave Washington as millionaires.  They have it too well in Washington, so therefore they won't be in favor of term limits. 

I voted absentee ballot this past Thursday due to the fact I'm working in the polls this Tuesday.  I didn't vote for a single incumbent on the federal level.  That doesn't mean that I won't ever vote for an incumbent on the federal level.  However, there won't be many that I'll vote for.  I voted for Rand Paul as the next Senator from Kentucky. I'll say right now if doesn't perform well in the Senate, then during the next Republican primary in 2016 I'll vote for another candidate if he runs for re-election as Senator.  I'm tired of these establishment Republican incumbents that are working with the Democrats to push America towards communism.  We need to vote for candidates that will support Judeo Christian values and will support the U.S. Constitution.  We need elected officials that will vote against wasteful spending in Washington, vote against amnesty for illegals, and will vote to extend the Bush tax cuts for all Americans.  We also need elected officials that won't support trade agreements which will send America's manufacturing jobs overseas. We need patriotic elected officials that will support the principles of God, country, and the Constitution.  The job of House and Senate members is to faithfully protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. 

I want to encourage voters in America to vote out the fraudulent incumbents in this election.  I know there are conservative voters who don't like either choice.  What I do in a case like that is I will write in somebody's name.  I don't vote Democratic on the national level because the Democratic Party is socialist.  If I don't like the Republican incumbent, then I'll write in someone's name.  I don't like not having to vote for choice "A" or "B", but there comes a point when if there's hardly anything distinguishable between either of the two candidates, then I'll write in a candidate's name.  I'm not saying there aren't any incumbents worth giving another chance, but they're few and far between.

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