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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Extremism In The Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice

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"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.----Barry Goldwater--Acceptance Speech at the 1964 Republican National Convention

The late Senator Barry Goldwater echoed the words of the Roman philospher and orator Cicero during the 1964 Republican National Convention in his acceptance speech.  I like that quote.  In today's political circles, you hear many commentators making reference to the word "extremism", "extremist", or "extreme."  Most of the time that word is used in a very derogatory manner.  What does the term "extremism" mean?  According to the online dictionary extremism is the condition or act of taking an extreme view.  Another definition is the taking of an extreme action.  During the election season, you'll hear the word "extremist" floating around frequently.  You'll hear candidates from both political parties labeling each other as extremist.  The Democrats say the Republican Party is the party of extremists.  The Republicans say the Democrat Party is the party of extremists.  The Democrats say Republicans and most recently the Tea Party candidates hold extreme views on Social Security, abolishing the Department of Education, Healthcare, unions, taxes, and regulation on corporations, to name a few. The Republicans say the Democrats are extremists when it comes to the passage of Obamacare, "financial reform" on Wall Street, higher taxation, government regulation on business, and the list continues.  You hear the same old argument back and forth from both parties. 

I don't like how both parties tout the "extremist" label.  The Republicans need to frame their argument differently when speaking out against President Obama and the Democrat Party's socialist agenda.  What the Republicans need to do is explain what's wrong with the socialist agenda that President Obama is trying to thrust upon America.  What do you mean when you say extremist?  Just saying the Democrats are the party of "extremists" is a vague argument.  It's an issue over whether the policies are constitutional or unconstitutional--regardless of whether or not they're extremist.  I guarantee you the Founding Fathers ideas during the time of the American Revolution would be considered extremist to the minds of our politicians, the media, and academia in today's society.  When they formed this country, they were very suspicious of centralized power in the hands of the federal government.  They understood the human nature of man and recognized that too much power could lead to tyranny.  I believe they would be very opposed to the Progressive form of government that's infiltrated American politics since the late 1800's.  Today the media, the academia, and many elected officials believe power should be wrested in the federal government.  Today government is encroaching upon our freedoms as U.S. citizens more than ever before.  With the federal takeover of the healthcare system, we will be losing more and more of our basic freedoms.  Taxes will definitely be increased to cover the cost of the healthcare system that's being put in place. 

I'm going to make a statement:  The viewpoints of the liberal progressives are extreme to convservative-minded Americans.  The viewpoints of conservative minded Americans are extreme to liberal progressives.  Using the "extremist" argument to score political points is a weak argument.  We need to to specifically state what's wrong with the agenda of the liberal progressives.  We also need to outline solutions on what's needed to bring this country back.  I have some news for you:  The solutions that's needed to solve America's problems are extreme.  But that's what's necessary if America has an inkling of a chance to be salvaged.  What's needed in America is undboutedly extreme to the Progressive politicians and the liberal media.  However, we're far past the point of preserving the status quo.  I'm very guilty myself in labeling those that believe like I do concerning the role of the federal government as conservatives.  The problem is what would be considered conservative today would've been considered extremist years ago.  Today, we conservatives don't think much about government entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  During the Great Depression, conservatives classified Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal policies as socialist.  Today we consider it mainstream.  Seven years ago the Massachusetts Supreme Court in Goodridge vs. Department of Public Health struck down the state laws which prohibited same sex couples from having the "right" to marry.  I can recall many conservative Americans, Christians, and even some liberals thought that the courts sanctioning the right for homosexuals to marry very extreme. However, as time has rolled along, more and more Americans are sadly buying into the argument that homosexuals should be granted the right to marry.  Before too long the idea that homosexuals deserve the privilege to marry will be the mainstream in the American thought life, except those that are truly Christians and regard what the Bible says about the homosexual lifestyle.  We need to go back to the Constitution and read what it says.  We also need to read the Holy Bible and the Federalist Papers to have a proper understanding of America's heritage.  If you want to know the mindset of the Founding Fathers, you need to read the Federalist Papers.

America is in such a terrible shape spiritually and politically.  Each year several million babies are aborted in their mother's wombs.  We have numerous latchkey children across America when they come home from school, and we have a major drug epidemic among our nation's youth.  Also, America's national debt is over 13 trillion dollars.  The government has taken over General Motors, Chrysler, the banks, etc. as the result of the TARP bailout.  Congress also signed the national healthcare overhaul in March.  Our government is headed towards fascism and communism.  The days of being in the mainstream are over with.  If this country is to be saved, it will take extreme measures.  Moderacy won't solve the problem.  First of all, God's people need to be revived.  America needs a spiritual awakening and return to the spiritual roots that built this country.  Secondly, we need to exercise our right to vote and vote out the vast majority of those that are up for re-election in Congress and numerous other races across the country.  When I say incumbents, I mean incumbents from both political parties.  Both parties are part of the problem.  If we don't defeat them in the polls in a few weeks, then we will get the government we deserve.  We can no longer place our confidence in a particular candidate anymore.  The forces of evil that pervades over Washington is so great that I don't know if there's anybody that's bold enough to stand against those forces.  Eventually, those candidates we elect will become part of the problem.  We must vote them out.  I know this year there are several Tea Party candidates that are running on the Republican Party ticket.  I would advise voters to vote for them in a few weeks.  However, those same candidates that we support today we'll have to vote against tomorrow.  I look for us to have to vote out incumbents across the board the next few election cycles.  We'll have to continue doing so until they receive the message they're in Washington to stand up for God, Country, and the Constitution.  If they fall short of that, then they need to be voted out.  The days of the career politician must end.  America is in a too perilous condition for career politicians. 

We need to vote for candidates that promise to uphold the principles of God, Country, and the Constitution (a slogan I contrived).  We need candidates that will stand up for constitutional principles even if it means losing the next election.  They will need to tackle the issues of the national debt, spending, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, reforming taxation, and eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy.  The issues revolving around Social Security will have to be addressed.  We need to privatize Social Security and remove it from the hands of the federal government.  There will need to be some drastic reforms concerning government programs. 

Most of America's problems aren't politicial--they're spiritual.  America needs Jesus.  Americans need to know that satisfaction comes from God alone--not the federal government.  We need to change our mentality about the federal government.  We need to recognize that government isn't our provider.  If we are to make a living, then we must find a job and labor diligently.  We need Americans that will contribute to make this a great country once again.  We once again need to be a nation of producers instead of just consumers.  We need to have a serious debate on what should be the role of the government.  Many Americans across the country possess diverse views concerning the role of the federal government.  If we read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, we'll know what the intent of our Founding Fathers were concerning how they wanted the federal government to operate.  In order for America to be turned around, it will require extreme action.  Implementing a few cosmetic changes won't solve the problem.  The extremism I'm referring to is extremism in the defense of liberty.  Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.  Extremism is what's needed to save our country--that is extremism rooted in God's Holy Word and the principles of the U.S. Constitution.  We can no longer make the case for moderation in the political arena.  We're too far past that.  The solutions to America's problems requires radical action--immediately!

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