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Sunday, September 26, 2010

There's Nothing My God Can't Do

YouTube - Singing the Song, "NOTHING MY GOD CAN'T DO"

This song was penned by the late singer/songwriter Dottie Rambo probably around the late 1950's.  The Happy Goodmans and the late evangelist Billy Kelly used to sing that song.  One time during the early 1960's then Governor Jimmy Davis attended a gospel concert in which the Happy Goodmans performed.  One of the songs Governor Davis heard them sing was "There's Nothing My God Can't Do."  Davis inquired who wrote that particular song.  The Goodmans told them that it was a young woman from Kentucky named Dotie Rambo.  It was from there that Gov. Davis had arranged for Dottie Rambo to meet him and the rest is history concerning Dottie's singing/songwriting ministry. Dottie's rise in the gospel music industry was due to that momentous moment. 

Years ago probably back in the late '60's there was a Baptist preacher named Dr. Harold B. Sightler who preached a message entitled, "Can God?"  The Lord moved in that service when he preached that message.  There was shouting and one of the assistant pastors and eventually future pastors of that church ran the aisle.  The text of that message is from Psalms 78:19.  It says, "Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can god furnish a table in the wilderness?"  The Psalmist in this chapter was speaking of God's wrath against the incredulous and the disobedient.  He was speaking about the children of Ephraim, (one of the tribes) that turned back in the day of battle.  They didn't keep the covenant of God and forgot His works.  They were questioning could God furnish a table in the wilderness.  I'll answer that question real quickly.  Psalms 37:25 says, "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsken, nor his seed begging bread."  That should answer the question "Can God?"  Read the words to the song that was posted yesterday on this blog.  God measured the sea by the span of his hand.  Mountains he placed at his command.  He's so great He even holds the world in the palm of His hand.  He's so small he can live in the heart of man.   It's a mystery of mysteries but all so true.  There's nothing my God can't do.  Even in your darkest hour, God's capable of pulling through.

Have you ever had trouble believing God can?  Did you feel it was impossible for God to pull through and meet the need of the request that you've petitioned unto him?  Many times Christians face doubt that God will.  I don't think many times we question God's ability to change things even though that can happen as well.  The problem is we question whether or not God will.  Last week I mentioned Romans 8:26 where the passage says the Spirit makes intercession for us because we often don't know how to pray.  He makes intercession for us according to the will of God.  I'm very thankful that the Spirit does make intercession for us.  Sometimes we're in a state of emotional turmoil that we don't know how to pray or what to pray for.  But I'm thankful the Spirit of God knows what we need and that he makes intercession for us.  Many times we'll face trials and afflictions that appear to be overwhelming.  We think there's no way we can ever place that situation past us.  We feel there are times when we can't travel an extra mile.  However, I'm thankful that in the midst of our weakness He's made strong.  I'm thankful that even when the world says its hopeless, all things are possible through Christ.

It's not very difficult for us to say we believe God can do anything or we can trust God when we're not the ones that are being afflicted.  It's very easy to quote Philippians 4:13 or Philippians 4:19 when it's somebody else we're trying to encourage.  Many times when we're the ones facing trials, tribulations, or afflictions, we seem to forget that there's nothing that God can't do.  We're so overwhelmed by our afflictions we feel the sun will never shine again in our own personal lives.  We feel beside ourselves.  However, in the midst of those times God can prove himself real when we're in the midst of those trials; and God does prove himself real.  The Apostle Paul was afflicted with a thorn in the flesh and he had asked God to remove it.  What the thorn was I don't know but we could probably speculate it had something to do with his sight.  God told him that His grace was sufficient.  The Apostle Paul experienced God's sufficient grace.  We read about all the persecution Paul suffered for the cause of Christ.  However, the Apostle Paul was faithful in his relationship and walk with God.  God proved himself very real in Paul's life.  He gave Paul the strength to continue serving Him. 

This morning during Sunday school assembly, the theme was about patience in the book of James.  One of the points that was made was that one of the problems we struggle with is patience.  We struggle when God delays answering prayers.  Sometimes some prayers need some time to be worked out.  God's answers aren't always for today or maybe tomorrow.  God's answer to a specific prayer may come a few years down the road.  We don't enjoy that.  That's something that Abraham and Sarah had to experience.  God promised them that they would be blessed with a child.  (Genesis 17:15-19).  Abraham fell down on his face and laughed because he was a hundred years old.  He couldn't envsion God giving them a child because of their age.  However, God's answer doesn't always come when we think it should come.  In a few chapters later in Genesis 21 we read about the birth of Isaac.  God did answer that prayer.  He proved that He was able even when physical circumstances would deem it impossible.  How many couples who are in their seventies in this day would believe God if He told them that they were going to conceive and bring forth a child.  They would laugh themselves to scorn.  Humanly speaking having a child in your seventies is an impossibility, but with God all things are possible.  In I Kings 17:10-24 we read about a widow woman in Zarephath who was gathering sticks and was preparing to fix the last meal for she and her son.  The prophet Elijah told her to bring him a morsel of bread.  All she had was a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruse.  That was all they had.  However, Elijah told her to fix him a little cake and bring it unto him and then make it for her and her son.  She did what Elijah told her to do.  Verse 14 declares that the barrel of meal didn't waste nor the cruse of oil until the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth.  In the midst of what appeared to be an impossible situation, God allowed the barrel of meal to continue producing.  God's ways are higher than man's.  You just can't figure out God.  We could continue with other examples such as Jesus feeding the 5000.  God's not out of resources.  God's not powerless.  He's still capable of doing today what he did yesterday.  He's all powerful.  He's omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.  God's bigger than all our trials that we face.

We serve a God that's real and that's capable of meeting our needs.  Even though our situation may appear hopeless, God can still pull through at the last minute.  He's pulled through at the last minute numerous times.  God's not bound by man's time nor man's limitations.  He's not limited by medical science.  He's not limited by the geographical boundaries of this world.  He's not limited by President Obama or our political system.  When the doctors say it's hopeless, God hasn't spoken yet.  It's not over with until God declares it's over.  God's always right on time.  As the songwriter eloquently points out, "There's Nothing My God Can't Do."

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