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Friday, August 20, 2010

Pew Poll Finds Almost 20% of Americans Believe President Obama is a Muslim

YouTube - Re: Obama Admits Muslim Faith

(USA Today) According to a Pew Research Center poll, nearly one in five Americans "incorrectly" say President Obama is a Muslim, which is up from 11% last year.  In the survey, about one-third of Americans "correctly" say Obama is a Christian, down from 48% who said so last year.  In all 43% say they don't know what religion Obama practices.  The survey shows a general uncertainty and confusion about the president's religion," said Alan Cooperman, associate director of research with the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.  The survey of 3003 adults was taken July 21-August 5, before Obama endorsed a Muslim group's right to build a mosque and Islamic cultural center near the site of the 9/11 attacks in New York City.  Those comments added to a firestorm over the location of the mosque.  On Wednesday, Obama said at an event in Ohio that he has "no regrets about his comments." 

Responses in the poll tended to fall along ideological lines, Pew found.  About one-third of self-described conservative Republicans said they believe Obama is a Muslim.  Those who claim he's a Muslim overwhelmingly disapprove of his job performance.  A majority of those who claim that Obama is a Christian approve of his job performance.  Pew even found that "even among many of his supporters and allies, less than half now say Obama is a Christian."  Obama has spoken about his "Christian" faith at the annual National Prayer Breakfasts and at a White House event celebrating Easter this year with religious leaders.  However, the Christianity that Obama "embraces" is this so-called Christianity which upholds black liberation theology.  He attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago Illinois for 20 years where his pastor was the controversial Jeremiah Wright.  Wright made some inflammatory statements about whites and the United States.  Trinity United Church of Christ doesn't even remotely resemble Christianity that's in the Bible. 

Alan Cooperman states one possible religion for confusion over Obama's religion is that people may not perceive the president as forthcoming about the subject compared with former president George W. Bush.  I personally don't believe the percentage of those that claim President Obama is a Muslim is necessarily based out of ignorance.  I believe the reason why a percentage of Americans believe he is a Muslim is because of his actions and his statements.  Last Friday, President Obama said, "Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else," which includes building 'a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan', in accordance with local laws and ordinances."  Obama is a supporter of Islam.  President Obama has traveled to the Middle East apologizing for America's past mistakes.  In Cairo, Egypt last year, President Obama made the erroneous statement that Islam has always been a part of America's heritage.  Oh really!  Is he ignorant of American history?  You have to wonder. 

Another reason why some Americans believe (in my view) why he's a Muslim due to his personal history.  His father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Muslim.  President Obama spent part of his youth with his mother and his stepfather, Lolo Sotero, in Indonesia.  Obama's stepfather was also a Muslim.  Obama attended Muslim schools in Jakarta, Indonesia.  He has a Muslim background.  I made the statement before I felt he was a closet Muslim.  He gives the pretense of being a Christian by having attended Trinity United Church of Christ at one time, but he's a sympathizer of Islam.  Anyone that would support a mosque being built close to Ground Zero is stupid when you recognize it was Muslims who attacked the World Trade Center in 1993 and 2001.  I remember an interview he had with George Stephanopoulos when he was a presidential candidate.  He used the phrase "Muslim faith" like it was very natural.  Then Stephanopoulos corrected him and said "Christian faith".  I recognize you can't judge a person's heart.  However, Obama's statements and actions make me wonder.  I don't believe the poll numbers reflect ignorance so much on the part of Americans about Obama's religion as much as his actions confuse Americans--and rightfully so.

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