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Monday, May 10, 2010

President Obama Nominates Elena Kegan to the U.S. Supreme Court

(USA Today) President Barack Obama officially nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court today. She is picked to replace retiring liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. She is a lawyer and is the former dean of Harvard law school. Kagan had a reputation for bringing together ideological factions at the law school. If she is confirmed, she will be the third woman on the current bench--and only the fourth woman in the court's 221 year history. Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman to be nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Kagan would also be the fourth sitting justice with strong roots in New York City. She grew up in Manhattan, the daughter of a lawyer and teacher. Also, Kagan would be the youngest justice by five years. She has just turned 50. Her stretch could probably last four decades, deepening Obama's imprint on the nation's highest court. She must first go through Senate confirmation. The Senate hearings will likely begin in late June or early July.

In 2003 Kagan became the first female dean of Harvard Law school. She welcomed conservative professors to the liberal-dominated faculty. That reason shouldn't be used as an argument that she would make a good Supreme Court justice. She's very liberal and welcoming conservatives or supposed conservatives into the faculty isn't an indication that she will be a judicial moderate. You must read her writings such as the undergraduate thesis she wrote at Princeton University in 1980 or 1981.

In 2009, President Obama nominated Elena Kagan as U.S. Solicitor General. Republican-appointed solicitor generals Theodore Olson and Charles Fried backed her nomination by Obama. Fried is also a Harvard law professor. Kagan was approved for the solicitor general job by a vote of 61-31. As solicitor general, she oversees appeals of government cases and regularly represents the Obama administration during oral arguments. Kagan would be the first appointee in nearly 40 years who was not previously a judge. Until she became the government's top lawyer at the court, she had never argued before the justices. Senator Tom Coburn lamented her lack of experience and said he, as a physician, wouldn't send patients to professors who only talked about a field and never practiced.

The old adage goes, "To whom the victor goes the spoil." I believe she is a very liberal appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court. I don't think she would be good for the country. I'm thankful her nomination won't tip the balance of the U.S. Supreme Court. Stevens (whom she is supposed to replace) was also a committed liberal. Am I surprised? NO. Obama is a radical president. He's a socialist. He's not going to appoint judicial conservatives to the Supreme Court. Anyone who thinks that is crazy. You can't even rely on Republican presidents to appoint judicial conservatives on a consistent basis. You know you can't trust a Democratic president to appoint a moderate. It will be a left-wing socialist judge. That's part of the agenda. The sad part of this whole thing is I don't believe there will be very little, if any opposition, by the Republicans in the Senate. I definitely don't expect a united front by the Repubicans to Obama's Supreme Court nominee. The Republicans in Congress don't stand for much. They're worthless.

Kagan holds very liberal political views. When she was dean at Harvard, she didn't allow military recruiters to come on campus because they supported the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding homosexuals serving in the military. According to a website post from "World Net Daily", she had written an undergraduate thesis at Princeton University around 1980 or 1981. She graduated in 1981. In her thesis, Kagan lamented the decline of socialism in the country as "sad" for those who hope to still change America. "To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City 1900-1933," she opined that infighting causes the decline of the early socialist movement. Throughout its own internal fending, the Socialist Party exhausted itself forever and further reduces labor radicalism in New York to the position of marginality and insignificance from which it has never recovered. She is a supporter of socialism. She was amazed that socialism was never able to take hold in America. Average Americans aren't interested in socialism. It's the elites at the top that desire socialism to be imposed on America. The whole purpose for doing so is to hold power over the people. It's about greed and power. Socialism will only be imposed on the American people by the elites in government. I believe Kagan will engage in judicial activism. She will rule arbitarily according to her own whims. She won't rule according to the U.S. Constitution, in my opinion.

I believe Elena Kagan will breeze through the U.S. Senate. I believe the final vote will be somewhere around 67 or 68 votes for and 31 or 33 against. That's just a rough estimate on my part. I don't believe she'll rule according to the U.S. Constitution. I don't believe she'll be good for the country. However, we're not going to have a judicial moderate or judicial conservative nominated by President Obama given the fact he upholds socialist views.

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