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Friday, May 21, 2010

Founder's Friday: Revisionist History

Today on the Glenn Beck Fox News program he featured "Revisionist History." He was speaking about how history has been changed fitting the viewpoint of the Progressives. I enjoyed his program. The last several years there's been a revision of U.S. history. America was founded on Judeo Christian principles. Our Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers came to this country for the purposes of the freedom to worship God as they chose. They didn't want to see a church run state like that of England which had the Church of England and the state aligned together. The Pilgrims came and signed the Mayflower Compact. They had dedicated America to God and they established the Massachusetts colony on the Word of God. The Puritans came to Massachusetts in 1630 and built a "city on a hill". The Puritans had a deep respect for the things of God. I didn't agree with some of their theology but the Puritans that originally came to America had a desire to follow the precepts of God and to raise their children on the Word of God. Whenever you read historians mentioning about the Puritans they're casted in a negative light as being intolerant of other religions as well as being opposed to Christmas. It's true that the Puritans were excessive in how they handled some situations, but I believe they had a heart to live for God. As far as the Puritans views on Christmas, their opposition to the holiday was simply because Christmas wasn't celebrated as a family holiday. It wasn't about the birthday of Jesus. They were opposed to Christmas because Christmas was about drunkeness and wild living. There was nothing wholesome about the celebration of Christmas during that time.

Following the Civil War, the secular humanist viewpoint started holding sway in many of our institutions of higher learning. The law schools used to teach law based on the Bible. The law schools in America until the late nineteenth century used to teach William Blackstone's "Commentary on Law". Since that time, law schools presented the secular humanist viewpoint which promoted the theory of "sociological law." Sociological law taught that law can be made to fit the whims of the judges according to the times and the situation. In other words the philosophy of moral relativism held sway in their thinking. Laws can be made according to what the judges wearing their black robes deem best. In other words, law had no firm foundation. Law was no longer based upon the Bible. Law became arbitrary. Also the Darwinian theory of evolution was being taught in America's universities at the time. Many corporations were incorporating Darwinian evolution to justify their ruthless business practices. The precepts of the Bible were being cast aside and rejected by the institutions of higher learning. The Progressive movement started taking shape in the late nineteenth century. Glenn Beck has been tracing the Progressive Movement early in the 20th century and showing how today's elected elite still embrace Progressive ideas. The Progressive Movement believes in the notion that the U.S. Constitution is flawed and that they must disregard it when it comes to the laws of our nation. The Progressives believe in "big government" and that the government knows better how to run the private sector than private businesses do. The Progressives seek to intrude on every aspect of a person's life. We've seen how the federal government has dramatically grown since the Great Depression. The government continues growing regardless the party affiliation of a particular president. The federal government has grown under George W. Bush like it's growing under President Obama. It makes no difference. Under the Progressives we've had the creation of the Federal Reserve, the income tax amendment, the New Deal, the Great Society, and the list continues. The government continues reaching its tentacles into every aspect of our lives.

Many historians today uphold a secular humanist point of view when it comes to history. Instead of giving credit to God who created this world and the universe in an orderly fashion, they subscribe to evolutionary forces shaping society. When you read U.S. history in our public school textbooks, you won't read much about how Christianity shaped our nation in its early history. When went to high school, I never read anything about such movements as the Great Awakening or about the influence of some preachers as Jonathon Edwards or George Whitfield, for example. You won't read about how religion influenced our Founding Fathers such as George Washington, for examples. Today's historian will give you the impression our Founding Fathers were racist due in part because many of them owned slaves. I believe from everything I've read they had a desire for slavery to eventually become extinct. At the time when our country was being forged, they were interested in trying to pass the Constitution. They felt that the abolition of slavery would eventually take place. It did but it took a bloody Civil War for that to come to pass.

When you read about the Great Depression, many historians give you the impression that President Franklin D. Roosevelt saved the country. However, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt's treasury secretary, said that Roosevelt's New Deal worsened the Depression. What helped pull this nation out of the Depression was the United States entering into World War II. The creation of government jobs and work relief programs aren't the answer in pulling this country out of the Depression. The only way the economy will recover is when the private sector starts hiring again. Prosperity comes through the private sector, not the government. It would be a great lesson for the Obama administration to learn. I could devote more time to other areas in history that have been revised. However, this is just a small sample of some of the efforts that our historians have been involved with in trying to revise history to fit their humanist viewpoint.

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