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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Should Harry Reid Resign from his Post because of a Racial Statement from his Book?

Last Saturday January 9th, Senate Majority Harry Reid apologized about the comments he made in his book about the race of Barack Obama in 2008. Reid described Obama as a "light-skinned African-American" "with no negro dialect unless he wanted to have one." Reid said he thought his light skin would help than hurt Obama's eventual presidential bid. President Obama quickly accepted saying, "As far as I'm concerned, the book is closed." Reid spent the day telephoning civil rights leaders and fellow Democrats in hopes of mitigating the political damage. Harry Reid is in a very tough Senatorial campaign this year. According to many polls in Nevada, less than half of the citizens in Nevada have a favorable opinion of him. I venture to say he will likely lose his senatorial race this year in Nevada. I will say good riddance to him if he loses. He along with the vast majority of other U.S. senators are part of the problem in the Senate and we need a clean sweep of the Senate in this year's elections.

Harry Reid will be the guest honor at a luncheon in Las Vegas this week hosted by a group called, "African-Americans for Harry Reid." He also has picked up an endorsement from the United Light-Skinned Negro College Fund. Even golfer Tiger Woods has supportedly endorsed him. Reid's comments doesn't offend those "civil rights" leaders such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton because he's a Democrat as well as he promotes the liberal/progressive agenda. If a Republican or a conservative were to make such a comment about light-skinned people such as Barack Obama, their career would have ended. I remember an incident in December 2002 when there was a birthday party for retiring Senator Strom Thurmond. He had just turned 100 and several were in attendance at that birthday party. Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott was one of the attendees. He made a statement in praising Strom Thurmond that if he had been elected in 1948 as president, American would've been a totally different country. Strom Thurmond was a leading proponent of racial segregation in 1948. He ran as a third-party candidate called the "Dixiecrats". There was a storm of protests from blacks, liberals, and civil rights leaders over Lott's comments. As a result, Trent Lott was pressured to step down as Majority Leader due to the comments he made about Strom Thurmond. All the political pundits opposed Lott. You would've thought Lott had committed murder. However, even though Lott was not a conservative, he wasn't a progressive and didn't fit the black, liberal agenda. That shows you the hypocrisy in the civil rights movement. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson aren't true civil rights leaders. They're frauds!

Should Harry Reid be forced to resign because of his comments about Obama being light-skinned? No. Harry Reid should be forced to step down but not due to those comments. The comments he made about Obama pale in comparison to the racial statements he made when comparing opponents to Obama's healthcare bill to supporters of slavery. Reid was engaging in race baiting when he was trying to push forward the monstrous healthcare bill in December. Reid likened passing government-run healthcare to ending slavery. That was inexcusable! Passing such a monstrosity as government-run healthcare had nothing in common with ending slavery. He did that to marginalize his opponents. He had an agenda he wanted to push through and he used race-baiting to try to accomplish that goal. That kind of junk makes me furious. Using race baiting to justify pushing socialism upon the America people is unjustifiable.

Harry Reid should resign because the policies he pushes for in the Senate are unconstitutional. He engaged in bribery when trying to collect 60 votes for the healthcare bill. He made deals with both Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) and MaryLandrieu (D-LA) so they would vote for the healthcare bill. Reid's policies don't benefit America. He's part of the problem. If this healthcare bill is signed into law, then the government will have control of 1/6th, of the nation's economy. Reid's helping the government usurp its authority over the American people. If the government controls this nation's healthcare, then it will control all the other aspects of the private lives of Americans. Most everything else revolves around the health and well-being of Americans. In the coming months, the U.S. government will be usurping more control over the lives of Americans. It's time for Harry Reid to step down. That won't happen because the Republicans in the Senate are spineless and they are corrupt and crooked themselves. In November, the citizens of Nevada need to send Harry Reid a message: Your days in Congress are over!

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