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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

President Obama and Racism

Is President Barack Obama a racist? I can't say for certain but if he is he's very subtle about it. There's a couple of things I've seen in regard to Obama that makes you wonder if he is. Race was used to Obama's advantage when he ran for president last year. Many liberals made race part of Obama's campaign.

This morning I listened to Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" on radio and he was addressing the issue of race. O'Reilly used a couple of examples that I'm going to use. The first example is Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright was President Obama's pastor for 20 years at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Wright is racist. He blames America for many of the ills of this world. Wright even said the U.S. government invented AIDS to reduce the black population. Obama brushed it off last year saying he didn't know Wright preached the inflammatory rhetoric that he did. Obama claimed he wasn't in attendance all the time. It's difficult to believe with the close relationship Obama had with Wright he didn't know what his pastor believed. That's one troubling sign.

Another troubling sign is the statement that Obama made last week in reference to the Cambridge police arresting Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates for disorderly conduct. Gates made race an issue and said that the police arrested him because he's black and is trying to use racial profiling on him. Obama's response was the Cambridge police acted stupidly. Gates was the one that acted very stupidly. However, Gates has some sort of ties with Obama. The kind of company Obama has kept gives the impression he might think similarly as they do. Suppose if Senator John McCain had attended a white supremacist church and his pastor was a member of the Ku Klux Klan and he believed in lynching blacks and treating them as second class citizens. What if John McCain had a close relationship with a pastor like that? The media would have blackballed McCain and called him a racist. He would've already been disqualified in running for president last year.

The modern day civil rights movement of today does nothing but look for an opportunity to find frivolous examples of so-called racism so they can polarize America. People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton thrive on racial controversy to prove white America is racist. They'll take an issue like the arrest of Henry Louis Gates and set out to prove that Sergeant James Crowley and the whole Cambridge police department are nothing but racists. These civil rights leaders of today claim they revere Martin Luther King, Jr., but they don't follow what King preached. King believe in being color-blind as well as judging a person by the contents of their character instead of their skin color. Today, we're experiencing reverse racism.

The confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor was about race. The liberal pundits say Sotomayor is qualified because she's a Latina. It's ridiculous how the race card is used. All these pundits are polarizing America trying to make false "racism" charges. It's true that Obama is the first black president in U.S. history, but what good is that if their character is corrupt. What good is change if it's for the worse. The only changes we received from the Obama presidency thus far is skin color and the transformation of the United States into a full-blown socialistic society.


  1. I think he's racist. Esp. considering the church he attended. Even though he renounced his pastor, he went there for too many years not to know his views of white people. I think they keep themselves stirred up with the victim mentality.

  2. You're not going to sit in a church with a racist pastor for 20 years and his ideas not rub off on you!
