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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Maintaining an Environmental Balance

Former Vice President Al Gore cancelled plans to fly to Washington, D.C. Instead, he's been working the phones to encourage members of the House to pass a climate change bill. He was invited to come to D.C. by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but he declined the invitation. Gore, who is a proclaimer of the gospel of global warming, believes we need to make drastic changes when it comes to the environment. You can read about his views on Earth in the Balance.

The issue of global warming has been disputed among many scientists. Gore's argument has been that all the warmer temperature is manmade due to greenhouse gasses being released in the air. However, it's a natural cycle for temperatures to be around 100 degrees during the summer months. It's been that way even before the age of industrialization. I wonder where Gore was this past winter when we had frigid temperatures in many parts of the U.S. I believe Gore is a fraud trying to prop himself up. It's all about creating a socialist government and this global warming hoax is one more excuse to why we need a one-world government. He's making huge money off this global warming venture.

One element that is missing in this society is the concept of balance. The Bible says a false balance is an abomination. As much as I'm opposed to the leftists view on the environment, we shouldn't steer toward the opposite extreme and pollute the planet. I believe we should have reasonable environmental laws that control unnecessary pollutants such as smog, for example. In the early 1970's pollution control laws were established and the automakers designed vehicles which emitted less pollution. We need to use common sense when it comes to conservation not only for our fellow man but to future generations as well. We should "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

There's nothing wrong with chopping down trees for wood and other uses as long as there's a purpose for doing so. We shouldn't be wasteful with it. We should also replenish the trees we chop down as well. The earth needs trees to help the atmosphere. I remember the late Francis Schaeffer wrote a book years ago entitled, Pollution and the Death of Man addressing ecological issues. We should avoid extremes. We shouldn't uphold the pantheistic view that God is in everything, including nature and that man isn't worth more than a blade of grass. I believe man was created by God in a higher classification than the earth and the animals. However, even though God gave man dominion over the earth, we should be good stewards with what God has given us.

We should use our natural resources wisely and think of ways to control unnecessary pollution. I'm not suggesting that we have to come up with energy alternatives that's so expensive it would cripple business. But we need to strike a healthy balance where we can control pollution as well as be business friendly. The left wants to push their agenda on us and as a result would hurt business as well as the consumer. Those of us that are Christians need to show the world we can maintain a proper balance when it comes to environmental issues. We have to be considerate towards our fellow man in this present world as well as future generations.

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